[distance type=”4″][distance type=”4″][distance type=”2″]



We aim to take a different approach in reaching out
and helping people along the journey.

[distance type=”2″][button btn_content=”UNDERSTAND MORE” color=”white” size=”large”][distance type=”4″][distance type=”4″]
[iconbox type=”12″ icon_title=”OUR VALUES” iconbox_content=”We aim to take a different approach in reaching
out and helping people along the journey. We
stress cultural relevancy and utilize all medias.” icon_name=”li_diamond”][distance type=”2″]
[iconbox type=”12″ icon_title=”OUR VISION” iconbox_content=”A place where a person with no church background
can come and feel comfortable and enjoy the
service because the atmosphere will be friendly. ” icon_name=”li_eye”][distance type=”2″]
[iconbox type=”12″ icon_title=”OUR MISSION” iconbox_content=”Our mission statement can be summed up in one
word: reach. We reach up through worship, serve
God by serving each other to bless.” icon_name=”fa-flag”][distance type=”2″]
[distance type=”2″][teaserbox type=”7″ img=”8611″ title=”New Here?” subtitle=”Where to start” link_url=”http://webnus.net/themes/churchsuite-wp/remittal/i-am-new/” text=”After Hours Programming created this application. Default text creates the illusion of real text. However, standard default text can do the trick. Default text creates the illusion of real text. A designer can use default text to simulate what text would look like.”][distance type=”2″]
[distance type=”2″][teaserbox type=”7″ img=”7495″ title=”Message Archive” subtitle=”Watch and listen” link_url=”http://webnus.net/themes/churchsuite-wp/remittal/sermons-archive/” subtitle_bg=”” text=”After Hours Programming created this application. Default text creates the illusion of real text. However, standard default text can do the trick. Default text creates the illusion of real text. A designer can use default text to simulate what text would look like.” icon_bg=”” icon=””][distance type=”2″]
[distance type=”2″][teaserbox type=”7″ img=”7496″ title=”Get Connected” subtitle=”Grow in a group” link_url=”http://webnus.net/themes/churchsuite-wp/remittal/smallgroup/” subtitle_bg=”” text=”After Hours Programming created this application. Default text creates the illusion of real text. However, standard default text can do the trick. Default text creates the illusion of real text. A designer can use default text to simulate what text would look like.” icon_bg=”” icon=””][distance type=”2″]
[distance type=”4″][subtitle type=”3″ subtitle_content=”Upcoming Events”][distance type=”2″][events type=”list2″ count=”4″ page=””]
[distance type=”2″]
[distance type=”4″][subtitle type=”3″ subtitle_content=”latest sermons”][distance][sermons type=”minimal” count=”3″][distance type=”4″]
[distance type=”4″][subtitle type=”3″ subtitle_content=”latest news”][distance][latestnews type=”2″ scount=”2″][distance type=”4″]
[distance][asermon style=”boxed” box_title=”LATEST SERMON”]

[subscribe box_title=”SUBSCRIBE NEWSLETTER” box_text=”Receive regular email updates from Pastor Doe and other ministries at C&C Chuch. We keep you in loop so you won’t miss it out!” type=”boxed” feedburner_id=”webnus” service=”FeedBurner”]

[distance][twitterfeed title=”LATEST TWEET” username=”webnus” count=”1″ access_token=”270779417-8Mi2b6ueetm5HxazWqrSOChgyUIlEZ4SKwytaDyk” access_token_secret=”CWT3p86VrhEpqCK5n3jrZyZaBcrrDGFLmyYPleavijw” consumer_key=”qUcvAv7HdMZiwnCYbp4pw” consumer_secret=”gG4EYZNn7FlZnUudWdkL3AMwFlkBWLiEwu12iQe1ew” type=”di” mirror=””]
bonus new member